Shawn’s story

Shawn Edward Washington II, was a 29 year old father to be who lost his life on April 26, 2019 due to medical negligence and systemic racism at a Northern California Kaiser Emergency Room. Shawn was left for 8hrs as he struggled to breathe and begged for help that never came. We believe Shawn’s death was preventable. Doctors and nurses cared more about Shawn’s insurance status than his life. Shawn unfortunately is not the first Black Man to lose his life to the medical system. There is a long standing history of neglect between medicine and the Black and Brown community. Unfortunately, there are laws in place that allow this gross neglect to be swept under the rug. But Change4Shawn is a catalyst for change, we have lobbied against one of those laws and WON. Please join us in this Fight For Change as we continue to break down barriers and work to ensure that no other family has to suffer.